Telling myself positive affirmations has been part of my wellness routine for several years. I remember saying them in the mirror during medical school prior to starting a clinical rotation or taking an exam. Subsequently, my husband and I have passed this teaching on to our daughter, Asha. She has a list of affirmations that she recites before bed. Studies have shown that starting your day or week off with positive affirmations helps boost confidence and also uplift moods. So why not raise a confident child and give her the foundation for positive thoughts?

You can find positive affirmations written on post its in my office or in one of my journals, similar to Gabriel Union in ‘Being Mary Jane‘. Most of my affirmations begin with “I am”, which is considered one of the most powerful set of words. Therefore, whatever follows “I am” starts the creation of it.

Today, I’m sharing a list of 20 Positive affirmations to tell yourself

20 Positive Affirmations to tell yourself

  1. I am worthy of support
  2. I can do anything I set my mind to
  3. I am in charge of my happiness
  4. I am internally validated
  5. I am worthy of a life of joy and allow myself to accept it
  6. I am made of greatness
  7. I am worthy of rest
  8. I am deserving of my dreams
  9. I am smart
  10. I am filled with kindness
  11. I radiate beauty, inside and out
  12. I have a gift to give the world
  13. I am enough
  14. I am thankful for my family
  15. I am confident
  16. I am an inspiration to others
  17. I love and approve of myself
  18. I am focused and persistent
  19. I matter
  20. I am creating a better life for myself

I hope you can recite some of these affirmations as well. Stay blessed and have a great week friends.


Dr. Gina Charles

Dr. Gina Charles self care meditation