COVID19 Pandemic Self Care Tips
COVID19 Pandemic Self Care Tips are necessary. The spike in cases, deaths, summer re-openings and non-compliance with masks are all contributing to many people’s anxiety. To combat that anxiety, it’s important to incorporate some self care into our daily routine. Self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness. Self care can be done as part of daily routine or during stressful times. The goal is to care for your mind, body, and soul.
Note to self: Inhale, Exhale, and Remain Calm
If you’re wondering how to cope with anxious feelings that are surfacing amid the COVID19 Pandemic, I’m sharing a few at home wellness tips to help reduce and manage stress below:

Dr. Gina Charles self care meditation
Self Care Tips:
- Meditation (Can be on your own or via guided meditation). I do guided meditation via the headspace app.
- Controlled breathing (Has been shown to reduce stress, increase alertness and boost your immune system)
- Prayer (Praying can help the believer come to a greater understanding of God’s purpose for their lives)
- Intimacy (Shout out to the Ob GYNs, neonatologists, family docs, Peds who will have an influx of baby boom patients next winter #weready)
- Yoga (Helps control an individual’s mind, body and soul, while bringing together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peace, manage stress and anxiety, and increase flexibility and muscle tone.
- Exercise (Releases endorphins while boosting muscle strength and endurance)
- Put down your phone (it’s always a good idea to unplug for a little while)
- Watch a movie/ binge watch a TV show
- Listen to a podcast or audio book
- Read a book
- Work on a fun project
- Start a new hobby – hello to all the plant parents!!!
- Go for a social distancing walk around the home
- If the anxiety is worsening, CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR OR THERAPIST! Self Care also comes in the form of getting help.

At the end of the day, the goal is to keep calm, while supporting social distancing and flattening the curve. Making healthy, reasonable choices about what to do and what not to do will make a big difference in being able to stay as safe and as well as possible.
If you have to go out, WEAR A MASK
Caution large crowds in confined spaces
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
What are some of your calming strategies during times of anxiety? Leave your message in the comments. You never know who can benefit from your suggestion.
Excellent Advice Doc!